We wish you a Merry Christmas
The Vander Berg Furniture & Flooring family wishes you a beautiful Christmas and many blessings in the year to come. We are thankful for the opportunities we’ve had in 2018 to be of service to you and your family.
Here’s a look at Christmases past with some of our employees and their families:
Brittany Noteboom (Customer Service Representative) with her brother Brett, Christmas 1993.

Jodi McDonough (Designer) at 2 years old after receiving a drawing table and getting an early start on designing plans!

Peg Mouw (Designer) with some of her siblings at 4 years old. #lovethehats #noEmilyyet

Kelli Vander Ploeg (Purchasing Manager) at 3 years old, all dressed up in her Christmas dress!

Susan Schwartz (Bookkeeper) with her husband and three daughters, posing for their annual goofy Christmas card picture. They’re wearing the outfits Santa brought them!